Let's talk about sex II., Azores

The second part of the Let's talk about sex project took place between 22 and 29 October 2023 in Ponta Delgada on the Portuguese Azores. Here, thirty youth workers in the formal and informal sectors came together to continue to educate each other and share methods on sex education.

The first step was to become a functioning group again from a group of individuals who had not seen each other for three weeks. This was done both by repeating names for some new faces who had not been with us in France, and for all those who had forgotten. Also through the Mission impossible activity and the speed dating.

However, by the afternoon we were well into the topic. We split into groups according to the age of the target group we are working with and tried to look at the four set headings as something they are currently dealing with and what activities and activities we can do to help them in their understanding. We thought about sexual and sexist violence, consent and respect, intimacy and private life, pleasure and affection.

The next morning we had a series of activities from the participants. We started with a Milkshake, or an activity to line up the steps of a romantic and sexual relationship in a timeline in sequence. Some aspects provoked heated discussion and disagreement. This was followed by E-shop for Love, an activity focusing on the impact of social media on self-presentation and how we can consciously work with it to establish relationships. And the trio was rounded off by Butterflies and Trees, which covered practicing asking before we touch someone and working with acceptance and rejection.

In the afternoon, we made a list of events that had a global impact on the development of sexuality and tried to place them on a timeline. So, for example, we learned that the first vibrator was tried by Cleopatra, who put several bumblebees in a papyrus box, or that the first latex condom was created in 1855.

Before dinner, Emi showed us the art of the so-called gesticulated conference, a French way of presenting information to an audience that is a cross between speech and theatre. It is based on telling a personal story, but reflecting on topics important to society as a whole, and using one's own experiences as arguments. This creates a public space that allows us to talk about things we would otherwise not be allowed to talk about, given our education, social status, etc.

This was followed by non-verbal communication. How we use it as organizers of workshops and courses for youth, but also how we can work with it as receivers from children. We tried it out with the help of live sculptures and subsequent discussion. (Did you know that it takes the brain up to three minutes to make a first impression with only non-verbal communication, i.e. no words?)

The Petal Debate, or the Debate of the Ancient Greeks, took place in the covered courtyard of the library where we had our business meeting, and where we were free to walk around or sit on benches and discuss, following the patterns of the ancient philosophers and thinkers. The topics were threefold: One of the students said something homophonic and the others started laughing - what do you do? You ask an open-ended question but no one answers - what will your reaction be? When talking about sex and sexual violence, someone starts crying - what will you do?

The practice of preparing workshops was summarized in the sharing of experiences. One group discussed what to do before, during and after the workshop in the school and the other in training the trainers.

Not to be missed was the popular Sex Quiz, which both illuminated the gaps in our own knowledge regarding sex education, but also provided the necessary stimulus for further exploration. It was an interesting and catchy way to convey valuable knowledge.

In three people we tried to write together a short story of utopia or dystopia on the theme: "In 2024 a great catastrophe hit the planet and changed everything...". We then listened to each other's stories about world harmony, World War III and the first female president in the USA.

The focal point of the second half of the course was then the live library as a public event, for which we prepared both theoretically and then practically and individually. The purpose, in fact, was to become a book that told its own story to newcomers on the topic of gender inequality, sexuality, intimacy, or any other topic we chose. The evening was indeed a success, and the lack of interest from the public outweighed our interest. In the end, at least one reader came to see each book and I think that was the best thing that could have happened. So the energy put into the preparation and the eventual reward of sharing a difficult and very personal story was there for everyone.

The whole week was very intensive. I am grateful for the many methods I learned and can now apply in my practice. As well as for all the shared moments during coffee breaks or after dinners that were filled with meaningful discussions and interesting topics. I am also grateful to the morning group we went swimming with before the program. And for the many opportunities in which I was able to explore the island and its beauty. I am also grateful to the organizers, Maria, Cécile, Damien and especially Joanna, who looked after us all week. The international training was supported by an Erasmus+ grant.

Queen B.

Comedy dystopia

In the year of 2040, a terrible catastrophe happened. After long and challenging battles, pre-election campaigns and promises, a WOMAN was elected as the new president of the USA. As soon as begun to rule the country, things changed. Butterflies started asking trees for permission if they can land on them, sexual education started being taught in schools and everyone treated each other kindly. Also, all public buildings began to offer free menstrual supplies. The White house became the Pink house…

In the morning, Barbara woke up and saw her beautiful baby smiling right to her face. "Wait, how is it possible that my baby is above my head? Is it flying?" "Noooo," says a deep voice. "I took care of it, fed it, changed its dippers, cleaned a kitchen, cleaned a bathroom, cleaned a toilet, and made you a breakfast, since you had such a hard day in the Pink house, my Mrs. President." Uf, it was her husband speaking. Not the baby. "But I wanted to tell you," he continues, "that you could get up and go to the supermarket, since there is no milk in my milking boobie bag, because you did not buy…, moew, meow, meow." The microchip in his throat turned on and changed his voice into desperate meowing when he tried to complain.

"I am too busy," she replied "and you know it. We need to finish our system of equal rights for everyone in the parliament, and also the sex workers are pushing is to promote more ethics porn since the porn of the old days is really like asking if you came after sex - nobody like it!" She ended with rolled eyes. "But, but, but, I need to prepare a sex education lesson for my school that girls will really like, otherwise they will stone me with their fluffy unicorns as last time," he sighs. "And no teacher wants that, right?" "All right, all right," she admits. So Mrs. President will take her beautiful daughter to work. At least she will learn how to rule the World properly. Not like when those loosers men were doing it."

They finished their coffee from a fair-trade plantation in a Central Park, and started their day in a harmonious and peaceful day.

After this huge catastrophe happened, the World was never the same. And when I say World, I mean America, because of course, America is the centre of the World. America becoming a feminist country and having women in power was something nobody imagined. And it was the worst thing that could have happened. A country with equal rights? It is worse than an alien invasion or a third world war. But, in the midst of all of this, there was something that luckily stayed the same. Men continued to drink beer and peeing everywhere. And… they lived happily ever after.
