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Voices of the next generation, YE, Blansko a Brusel

The youth exchange Voices of the next generation were focusing on promoting european values and principle of democracy. Participants from Czech Republic, Estonia, Italy, Spain, Romania and Germany got together for seven days in Blansko and than moved for two more days to Brussels to experience the best out of the programme. This time I was in a role of an administrator, logistics and first aid, which I enjoyed a lot. It was my pleasure to host such a great group of young people.

And I was amazed by the work they did together. Not only, that they gained necessary knowledge about the the roles and functions of a European parliament, but the also went through the process of creating a political party based on given idealogy, creating the political programme, voting during election process, and also simulating the forming of a new parliament and voting for its president. All of that later they could confirm by visiting the Parlamentarium and the European Commission, as well as the building of the European Parliament, right in Brussels.

As part of the cultural expression, there could not be missing intercultural nights, visit of a Macocha Abbys and Brno. Plus, of course, short visit of Prague on our way to Brussels. And even though the weather was mostly really like an april joke, everybody made it as a great adventure, and had a lot of fun. The night train experience just underlined the uniquness of the whole exprience.

The project Voices of the next generation was co-financed by an Erasmus+.


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